;i keep up with a fake smile, wanting you to notice me;




katharine joy.12 years young
1st year h/s. Atenean . Ateneo De Naga Univ. H/S.
loves my family,my FRiENDS, my CP, my PC, && my mp3.
moody.sometimes suplada.smart daw
<3 o3.o16.
loathes flirts,snobbers,backstabber,plastic peeps.
wants my own laptop/PC, & a new cellphone.
katja to my family and friends.
kath to other friends.
joy to mam tintin




6months 8days 12hours-Brian McKnight


August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007


`designer_ sugar-starx
x x x x x x x
`adobe photoshop CS2
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

6:43 AM


I was so bored yesterday, that i just, umm, took some pics from the webcam. Lol..


I also made a sort-of art thingyy something..haha.. I used photoshop..haha..

Today, Me, Hennie & Leiko went to Emall. Actually they were the 1st one to go there, i just followed after them. Haha. Then, the 3 of us went to LCC since there wasnt much to do in Emall .Haha. But the only thing we did in LCC is sit on the foodcourt then drank pineapple juice [me]. black gulaman [hennie] and buco juice [leiko] from that foodstall Sonyda or something. Haha. Then we decided to go to Leiko's house, it was around 2:40 that time, then we passed by those Cellphone booths thingy, then we really like this bling bling or something, that has fur on it, we bought 4 of them, 1 for Jana since she was grounded, =C, white fur for Leiko, blue fur for me, hot pink fur for hennie and red fur for jana.weee. Haha. Its soo uber cute.. Haha.

Then we rode the jeepney to Concepcion, i texted my mom that we'll be going to Leiko's house, but she replied a kinda angry reply, but we were already on the way, and i said that we'll just hangout a bit at Leiko's house then we'll go home. Haha.

Then around 4:50 pm, i told Hennie we have to go home since i told my mom i'd go home before 5.So we rode the jeepney again to downtown. Then my mom called me and said that they're gonna wait for me near USI , Hennie went home, I told her that we'll just drop her off, but she said she'll just go home by herself. So my mom and I went home.. I wasnt really scolded.Well ,maybe, a bit.. Haha..

I sure hope my mom would still permit me to go to Bem's house on her birthday this Saturday.Whaa. Hehe...

Whoops. its already 11 pm, waah. Hahaa. Gotta go. Im tired.. *yawns* hehe..

Ysome hearts are meant to be broken;;

Sunday, October 29, 2006

10:00 PM

eii. im using the laptop right now. since my bro is using the other pc. lol.
the letter L in this keyboard is not working.. hmp. thats why when i need to type the
letter L,i use the onscreen keyboard, and believe me, its not easy. haha. you have to cick the
l on the onscreen keyboard. and worse,
laptops doesnt have the mouse that we use on the ordinary PC, but a small mouse like the one in the ordinary computer can be connected, but the small mouse that we have is broken. haha.
so thats why i cant update much today. its so hard to type without that letter L . haha..
gotta go..

Ysome hearts are meant to be broken;;

Saturday, October 28, 2006

8:27 PM

rSchool's out for 1 week.
Im not sure if i'd love it or loathe it. Sure, i'l llove it coz no more pile of homeworks, researches, blah blahs. And no more waking up early. LOL.
But sure, i loathe it coz it'll be so boring again. Hmm, except for the 1st & 2nd of Nov. coz im sure that we'll be going to the cemetery. LOL. And yeah, i wont be seeing my friends during the break.Uhm,maybe on Tuesday, but im not yet suree. LOL.

Exams are over. Yeaah!

I sure hope i'll pass. Haha.

I think i'll fail this quarter, i havent been participating in class this quarter, and seems like i'll be getting a low grade in the exams since Im not sure of all my answers..
One subject that i'll surely not pass in the exam is Religion, eep, I wouldnt have failed if only i have read the instructions! Stupid. Haha. Its because the last kind of test was the chart thingy, wherein there is a given book in the bible and there are 2 colums wherein you will write the classification[pentateuch,historical,..etc] and division[old and new testam.], normally, the division is the first thing that we will write during the quizzes we had, but in the exam, its the other way around, first the classification, there's already a heading/ title on the 2 columns which is the classification and division. BUT. stupidity strucked. I did not even care to look at the heading, so in the classification i wrote what was supposed to be written on the division, and on the division, i wrote what was supposed to be written in the classification

WTF. Stupid. Haha. And i think thats 40 points. EEEP! Gaahh!! But whatever. What's done is already done. HAHA.

Anyway, after the exams yesterday, We [ Me, Hennie, Jana & Leiko ] went to Leiko's house in Concepcion. We took our lunch there. And then went outside Leiko's to hang out a bit. Then we went upstairs, and surfed the net. We all opened our accounts on Friendster, haha. And when Leiko opened her WinAmp, there was a video saved in there, it was SO er, yucky. HAHA! And i wont even bother what it is about and what the title is, coz im sure you'll know what its all about. We were all laughing hysterically on that video..Haha. Then we went to the sort-of balcony. Then we went back to the area where the computer is located, or whatever its called, hehe. Then we were deciding if we will still go to E-Mall, but Leiko's mom didnt permitted her, And Jana's mom was texting her to go home. HMPF. But we didnt went home yet. We still watched the horror movie, The Nun, but since Jana's mom was texting her to go home that time, we didnt finished the movie. HMP! Then the 3 of us went to centro, Jana went home, but I didnt went straight home. I went with Hennie to her house, and we just talked for like 30 minutes, about anything, haha, then around 5:40 or 6pm, my mom texted me that my sister is gonna pick me up already, darnit. Haha.. So there, my sis picked me up. And we went home.. Duh.. haha. Im tired. Bye. LOL

Ysome hearts are meant to be broken;;

Saturday, October 21, 2006

6:22 AM

love really sucks.

now i do understand what my friends have been telling me.



Having your heart broken isnt easy.believe ME.

I dunno why i've been talking about this lately. I just.. just.. say that it really suckss. Coz i know, and ive experienced it. .

Damnit. Sorry for the term, but duh. I just cant believe that what my friends have been saying was actually true.That love sucks. & Everything about love.

Sure, Love is the "ultimate" source of happiness.

But, duh, though its the source of happiness, its also the efing source of being hurt SO BAD.

And yeah, Love may be everything. And that being in love feels like youre in heaven, And that love is magic.

Sure ..sure.. WHATEVER! LOL

Love is Magic? But isnt MAGiC an illusion so does that mean love is JUST an illusion?Hmp.

Or maybe what theyre trying to say about MAGIC is that it feels like you're in your dreams or some fantasy thing. but.. whatever.

Love.Love.Love.. thats what all been talkin' abt lately. and sure, im one of them. LOL..
Which reminds me of what Leiko, Hennie, Jana , Kate & Yna made me say this afternoon in our truth & consequence. I picked consequence coz .. i just wanna pick it..lol.. Then what they asked me to do is shout " i love you ****" [must be unnamed! haha..or else.. =X.] of course, i dont wanna do it. Though we were in hennie's room, the visitors out there would hear it too. Maybe..LOL. Then they were really insisting me to shout it, I didnt know that they were gonna record it,.. But i saw them with their cellphones, so i thought theyre gonna record it.. Then i said "Waah.. walang recordan!Daya naman" ..Pero, no effect tlaga.. Then i had no choice but to say it.. Leiko was the one who was saying it first ,and i will say it after her.. the first thing we said is "****" ... then the 2nd one was " i l**e you! " .. after i said that, all of us were shrieking! Waah.. And Leiko really recorded it..Hmpff.. I hateeeee itt.LOL..

Whatever.. If she'll let *toot* listen to it, im gonna kill them all.. Haha, juz kidding.. But , im just gonna say to *toot* that its JUST a consequence..and ..thats all..hmp.

Gotta go..

Ysome hearts are meant to be broken;;

Friday, October 20, 2006

3:39 AM


havent updated for sooo long.


bcos ,i havent been online lately coz the same ol' internet connection thinggy.

but good thing na naaus na xa. .hehe..its already stable!! wee.. LOL

manyy thiings happened l8ly.

one of those is the science camp..

whch was held last week..

we had this 1 night and 2 days camp in our school.. Friday to Saturday..October 13-14..haha..

We pitched our tent at around 5:40 - 6:30 sumthing.. after our classes
then we gathered outside the covered courts by groups..
i was on group 1 together with other1st - 4th year pipz..

@ first we were asked to have our flag thingy.. We searched for poles about 6ft! Good thing , may nhanap ung group namin...hehe..
ayun, we were asked 2 design our flag thing..& if we're gonna ask for paint in the other group we have to go IN GROUP! as in single line!! Wherever we go, we have to be together! Grabe!

Then at around 8pm sumthing.. we went to the canteen for our Friendship dinner..

As usual, we have to go by group in one single line. We were the 2nd group to arrive in the canteen kaya nauna kami mtapos.hehe.. And we're supposed to sit down at the same time, i dunno whyy.. Hmpf.. Then we went to our tent for 2 minutes break, then went to the grounds near the covered court for the practice on our role play later that night..

Then after the practice ,we were asked to bring pens and the candle, i didnt brought a candle coz in the list it says " candle / flashlight" and / means OR,, so i brought flashlight.. then i brought it to the grounds after getting the materials , then during the activity, the Student Faci. confiscated my flashlight coz it wasnt allowed, dpat daw candle for that activity. So may demerit of points ung group namin, dhl saken.wahaha. sama koh..hehe.

Yun pla, we have to be blindfolded! Tas dadalhin kami sa "Darkest part of the campus" daw.. wahh. Kla nga nmin sa main building kasi ang dilim dun that time. Yun , our group was led by one of the student faci, tas yun pala ikakalat kami mgkkgroup sa soccer field..I was brought near the chapel, and konti lang kami dun, tas wala pang mga candle, kaya pag alis ko ng blindfold, super dilim tlga.. tas ang lalayo pa ng mga kgroup ko..Tas may binigay samin na paper bago pumunta dun sa darkest part, tas wag dapat mawala, tas yun, may nakasulat dun about sa Mother Earth thing, knailangan k pa manghiram ng candle dn sa kgrup ko ksi di ko mbsa.ala akong candle nga, ehehe

Tas after that, pumunta na kami sa outside courts,pra sa campfire!

Tas nagrole play na lahat ng groups..after that, may 7 mnutes kami sa CR, then TAPS [talk and pray silently] tas Lights Out nah..

Tas yun, nagusap2 lang kami s tent nung mga kgroup ko, ayun, kahit ano2 pinagusapan, tas after nun, natulog na sila, eh ako nsa may parang window ako nung tent kahit na nakasara naman, kita pa rin ung labas dahil di pa naglights out.. Tas yung sa tabi ng tent namin, ung mga student faci. nagssetup plang ngtent nila, paulit2 nga sila, kasi di nalalagay, kaya ako nlng ung gising nun sa tent namin, ang ingay kasi sa labas, tas arnd 2 na ata ako nakatulog dahil ntapos plang mgset up ng tent ung sa labas,

Tas nagising ako dahil basang-basa na yung tinutulugan namin kasi pumapasok ung ulan! Grabe, halos basang basa mga gamit namin.. Kya arnd 4:40am pnapasok ung gamit namin sa covered courts, tas arnd 5 ata pnabalk na sa tent..tas nag7minutes sa Cr again lahat ng groups para magshower tas magayos, ung ibang group ng exceed sa 7 minutes ero may deduction sa points ,kami 1 point deduction lng kasi 1 minute lang kami ngexceed..haha

Tas yun after that, nagmorning prayer dun sa 4 pillars then exercise , pero d naman ako ngexercise nun,haha,,tas nagbreakfast na, 2nd to the last ata kami na group na nakaline dun sa canteen kasi last kami ntapos dun sa jogging thingy..

Tas after that, pnabalk kami sa tent, pra mgprepare sa hiking sa Panicuason sa foot ng Mt Isarog..hehe..

tas, yung group nmin nakisiksikan nlng sa mga jeep ng ibang group dahil naubusan kmi ng mauupuan sa jeep. kaya kami lang yung group na kalat kalat sa jeep.

tas pgdting nmin dun sa starting point ng hiking.. tas mga 1 h0ur ata ung hikiNg ptaas ..tas pgdting nmin dun sa Mt Isarog Nat'l Park, snabi smen kung an0 ung icclean up nmin dun sa malabsay fallS..hmp.dn pla kami pra mglinis..haha! tas yun, hal0s mdulas n kmi dun sa mga bat0 pagcr0ss ng falls, kc ang lki tlga and lakas pah ng agos nung tubig.. ung ibang sandals & shoes nga nung mga ibang yr level naagos ng tbig kaya bumaba sila nakasocks nlng.hehe..tas yun, buti nlng joint group ung 1 & 2 pglinis dun, kaya mgksama kami n jana, kc group 2 xa, & un ,picture picture lng kmi, d nmn kmi ngpulot ng dumi.wehh..haha..

tas yun bumalik n kmi sa campus arnd 11am, tas nglunch na kmi, then 1 hour break & TAPS..

tas after that , bumalik n ulit kmi sa covered courts, tas ung talk on hazard preparedness thingg, tas after that, pinalagay yung mga shoes/slippers na suot namin sa plastic bag, part kasi un nung Sci Trek challenge.

ang unang task ay hanapin ung shoes/ slippers mo, tas dpat makumpleto ng group n mhanap lhat bago pumunta dun sa 4 pillars pra sa next clue, tas ung next clue may ksama na grasshopper na di dpat mwala, eh pagkalabas plang sa container n wala na kagad, kaya yun wala na ,tas yung unang clue dpat mga pics nung scientist mahanap, tas un hanap kami sa buong building, halos 1 hr pra lng sa challenge n un, un pla, andun sa labas mttgpuan.. tas yn pumnta kmi tas gmwa ng 3 layered sandcastle,

then nxt pumnta kami dn sa may guardhouse kasi dun ung next clue, yun pnablindfold kmi dn pnaupo, tas bnuhosan kmi ng water, flour & gelatin! waah. buti nlng tubig lng nakaabot saken..haha..tas next challenge dun sa may chapel, yung abt sa chemistry, si Jap ang naglaro dun, ung sa color thing tas yung mixing chemicals,, tas after that ung next challenge dun sa physics corner thingy naman, tas after that dun n ata yun sa rapelling, tas after dat dun sa hula hoop! tas after naman , dun na sa nakakadiri na part, haha, kasi nasa mud yun, ung iba ko nga n kgroup naslide sa mud, kya ang putik ng mga suot nila..tas nxt challenge ay ung sa chick na pplakarin m ppunta sa finish lyn, grbe yun, habol habol nmin ung chick tas twag p nmin dun tweety,,haha,,tas last challenge ata yung sa frying egg using newspaper ,alcohol lamp & oil.. yn n ung last challenge nmin kc di pa nmn ntapos ngwhistle na , whch means tapos n ang sci trek challenge,, mga 5pm na ata yun,

tas sa awarding naman, 1 award lng nkuha namin Group 1 "Kalabaws"" MOST ORGANiZED TENT! " nyahah. .Group 3 "Boot" ang overall champion, kami talong talo! haha..

tas after nun, umuwi n kmi, tas nligo ako kgad kac ang dumi dumi n kya namin.. tas pumunta n ako kila Danielle, kac party niya nun, eh late n late n ako nun na 3 hours, haha, nakihabol pa rin, tas umuwi ako halos 2 am na ata yun,haha.. nagmidnight snack p kmi nun nila Duane, ng shawarma,haha..

tas..the whole week [ this week ] para kaming mga pilay, kasi ang sket ng paa nmin dahil sa kakatakbo nung saturday whole afternoon! grabe!torture tlga ung pataas baba sa ramp, lalo na ako dahil sa 4th floor pa ako! hmmpf

hay..hanggang ngayn nga mejo maskit prin paa ko , ero mejo az n rin xa..

taz khapon pla nagklagnat ako ng umaga, kya hlos nakatulog ako sa science, di naman npansin n Ma'am,haha,tas pagkahapon, nwala na lagnat ko, kya nakalaro rin ako ng volleyball kasi may game kmi khpon,tas nung last set na ng game, pumasok n ung sub namn kya lumabas n ako, tas kagabi naman habang ngssurf ako ng net, bumalik lagnat ko, as in ang sakit skit n ng ulo k kahpon, tas kaninang umaga wala na naman kya pumasok ako, tas pgscience n nmn bumalik! ano baa. haha.tas nwala n nmn,tas pgmeeting sa Pistaym grouping, sumakit ulit ulo ko,,tas ngayn, bumalik n nmn lagnat ko, hhmpf. ero mwwala lng yan mmya..haha..

nways, yun, prang e1 ang post ko ngayn ah,, ang umpisa english tas ngtapos nde na english..ha-ha...wtevrr. lol.

'ge nah.. super haba n ng post ko,,haha..
check niu pla ung ibang pics nung science camp sa Multiply Site ko.. konti lng yung anjan,hehe..pero az n yn..LOL

aay waitt..

nga pla, magiging 38 nalang kami sa class namin cmula sa November! Kasi aalis na si Leira, =C punta na siyang Spain, dun n daw siya magaaral. Waah. Mmimisz ko tlga xa.. Super enjoy xa kausap & kasama..Di k tlga xa mkklimutan.. =C. .sayang nga ehh, this week nya lng cnabi samen, next week n flight niya paSpain.. hayy..kaya nga gmgwa kami ng remembrance pra s knya,,yung notebook n may pics & msgs nmin s knya...so ,, mgging class # 21 n pla ako , nde na 22..haha.. la lng..

Byers.. =]

Ysome hearts are meant to be broken;;

Monday, October 09, 2006

5:44 AM


lovesucks,lovesick, lovehurts, thats what ive been hearing these days.im not complaining, but all they talk about is their lovelife. i dont really care if i do have one or not, i mean, yeah i care, but i dont give so much attention to it. its not that i dont like it and its not that its not interesting or something, but its just that i dont want to focus more on it .

i mean, i have lots of friends that already had their hearts broken because of jumping into hasty decisions of getting into a relationship. i know, i cant force them not to get into a relationship, thats their decision and i'd gladly accept their decisions if thats what can make them happy. but though they'd tell that i'd always contradict their decisions of their "lovelife", these contradictions are just for their own good coz i fear that they might just get hurt, and i dont want them to be. its hard seeing a friend getting hurt. especially if you havent been into the same situation like hers, it would be difficult in giving advices or anything to help her.

pfft..drama n nmn.hahah..

whoopss. gotta go b4 my mom catches me on the computer..haha..she already told me to turn it off, but im still here..haha..

uh-oh.. i think i hear footsteps..eeep..byeee

Ysome hearts are meant to be broken;;

Saturday, October 07, 2006

7:18 AM

Argh. Our internet was down for like almost 2 weeks.

I dont know if its caused by the typhoon last week. But no. i dont think it is the reason.

But well,, i dont care what the reason is, all i care about is that there IS an internet connection ALREADY. lolz. I already went online the other night, but not for long since the internet was down again after 10 minutes or so. Arrgh.

I even called up the customer service thing of Digitel last night, and they said that the internet connection would be stable by this week. Good thing, tonight, i think its already stable. LOL. I hope..

I got a lot of things to post about in here..

First , the science camp thing.. i was picked by our science teacher in our LG.. >_< Each LG will have 3 participants for the camp. And im the only girl in our LG.. mmpf. the other 2 are , obviously, boys. LOL.Its gonna be held this friday night, until Saturday afternoon. There'll be groupings,, and otherss. i do hope i get grouped with someone i know. Jana is going too, so yeah, i hope that we'll be grouped together, but i doubt that. .LOL.

yesterday, 4 of us, Debbie, Peter & Charles were called out at Filipino period. We all thought we''ll be reprimanded or something, coz we were called out by the guy from OPS, but not the prefect though. LOL..

So we went to room 127 and met Jana on the way, i asked her why we're going in room127. But she didnt know either.. Turned out it was an evaluation or survey or something from the principal, coz it was part of her daughter's report/project/ or sumthing in AdMu PhD on Clinical Psychology....

So the four of us did not attend Filipino class, which i was sort of happy abt since it was kinda boring..Haha. and our classmates said that all they did was checked the papers, LOL.. So after the evaluation, we did not went straight to the 4th floor, but we used the ramp to get to 2nd floor instead of the stairs, for computer class. It was halfway the end of the class and we were supposed to finish our online exam something.LOL. And we checked it after a few minutes , i got 40 out of 50 ..LOL..

Today was really boring. All i did was sat in front of the computer, or the modem, in this case, since i was waiting all afternoon for the internet to be stable. L0L. But instead of waiting the whole afternoon, i just texted, eat, watched tv, soundtrip.. blah blah..haha.After eating dinner i checked the internet if there;s already a connection, and there was!! Haha.. I was am happy that there's already a connection coz i was waiting for it almost the whole day! HAHA..

But right now, i have to catch some sleep.


All that waiting tired me.. haha..

Ysome hearts are meant to be broken;;

Sunday, October 01, 2006

1:57 AM

havent updated for quite a few days.Because of the effing blackout.It lasted for almost 5 days of blackout.And our internet, as usual, is effing slow.Mmpf.We only had 3 schooldays in the previous week.Coz of the typhoon Milenyo.Here's what happened..
WEDNESDAY..Other streets already experienced blackout at around 6pm , but in our street it started at around 8 pm.Rain started to become heavy around 9 or 10.Rain wasnt really that strong, but the wind was so strong.My brother and I were accompanied by our aunt upstairs coz twas sooo dark.haha.. Then my brother and aunt went downstairs again so i was left in the room.ALONE.One window was opened, and i didnt bother to close it.Door was also opened and it kept banging coz of the wind.Candle was almost dying also because of the wind.But despite the wind blowing my hair over my face and drops of water are already entering thru the window , i just satone the bed.[ indian seat ,as we call it.] And i put on the earphones of my mp3 player [ in my ears, of course. LOL].And yea, i looked kinda "idontcarethoughthere'sastorm!" haha.It was just because i was kinda scared of the whooshing of the trees and the wind was like whispering. Eep. And then when the wind calmed down, i was able to sleep.But around 12midnight , i woke up thru the sound of my aunt's voice because they were err, wiping the flooded room. I dunno what its called , but they were wiping the water and then squeezing the water off. It was already flooded in my room and i didnt care a bit. Ahaha. I was too tired to help so i just slept.=[ bad. Haha..
ThursdayWoke up at around 8am, Then the moment i opened my eyes, i plugged my cellphone charger in the socket, and i ws thinking that the electricity was already back. But i was SO wrong. Turns out that i was charging my phone but it wasnt actually charging since theres no electricity. hmmp. haha.
Then i just read the back issues of People Magazine , the one which featured Angelina Jolie's baby, Shiloh. It was included in the balikbayan box which we have just received the other week. LOL. And i also read a March 2005 issue of Seventeen US Edition of my sister, coz twas really boring. Gez what? The earphones of my mp3 was on my ears ALLDAY. tee-hee. I didnt realized it until it was out of battery. Hahaa..
But i was able to charge my phone after all. Coz we have set up the generator around 6pm until 10pm..
FridayWoke up at around 5:30 AM because of a bad dream. Then checked messages on my phone and there were messages from my friends&classmates asking if there are classes on that day.. Then as i was just about to reply "i dont know" , our school service driver texted me " Be ready. Classes resume today" So yea, i texted my friend that we will have classes.And i also heard from the radio that our school will be having classes.But then i hear at the radio the 2nd time that our school will not have classes. And then i texted some classmates that we dont have classes. But then after i sent it to almost 10 classmates, the one on radio made a correction that our school WILL have classes. MPF. Then i hurriedly texted my classmates that we will have classes. Gawd, i waste so many load that day, I wasnt even registered to unlimited text that time.Mpf.
So around 6:50 am, our school service picked us up..we arrived at school around 7:20 already. But good thing we werent late coz almost all students arrived at 6:30 coz of late announcement.
It was just like an ordinary school day, but some subjects werent that "ordinary" coz some of the afternoon subjects, we didnt do anything at all. Esp at computer, of course, they wont let us use the computer since we were only using the generator..So instead, our computer tchr asked us to make a reflection abt our 2nd MidQuarter realizations. And no, it wasnt THAT easy. COZ the reflction paper have to be not so connected with the lessons . Not the one like "i learned to put up charts on documents blah blah" You have to associate the lessons in your daily life. All i write in there was about budgetting money, through the charts blah2.. And i didnt even care that my handwriting was messy. And after i wrote that super nonsense reflection paper, our tchr said it was 5% of our project. Duh. I didnt bother to rewrite it since it was only 5 minutes to dismissal. Amf. She didnt tell us ahead of time, i should have made it neater. Haha. But the hell i care!! Lol.
When i arrived at home, we watched the local news, and it said that the electricity will come back by the night of that day.
I waited and i waited for the electricity.
It came back for only abt a minute.
Then wnt out again.
I fell asleep at the couch waiting for the electricity. Amf.
But it never came back that night,
SaturdayI woke up at 7am. Too early eh?.Then i just decided to read the 6TH Book of Harry Potter which i was able to finish today,[ and i am proud of it coz i managed to finish a 600+ page book in 2 days cos of boredom. and oh ,im NOT bragging it. LOL]
Around 12:30 noon the electricity went back at last..Weee. LOL..

TODAY.woke up at 6:40 am, and finished reading the HP book..Then. spent the whole morning texting..
I turned on the computer to go online but found out that there's no internet connection. MPFF.
Then the internet connection came, then went out, then came ,then out..
Until now..while there's still internet connection i quickly copy-pasted this from the notepad file i created earlier as a draft. hahaha
Kieexx.gotta go.......

Ysome hearts are meant to be broken;;